Finally, my last year wish came true. I made my own cookie brand. It's Cookiemania! Cookiemania specialise in homemade kaastengels cookie with the premium ingredients. We use the good quality edam cheese and wijsman that originally from Dutch. We serve a tasteful experience in every bite just for you. Happy baking!
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Friday, July 19, 2013
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Adios Dolly
"They say love beyond the world cannot be separated by it.
Death cannot kill what never dies..."
Adios, Dolly!
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Something Old
1. Rulers and Rapido Pens
2. His signature
3. Old Frank Lloyd Wright book
4. Lecture book by him
5. Papih
Tentang Angan dan Masa Depan
Setiap orang pasti punya mimpi dan cita-cita masa kecil. Begitu pun saya, sejak kecil saya bermimpi menjadi seorang astronot. Saat itu saya mengagumi kehebatan astronot yang bisa melampaui langit hingga ke luar angkasa. Saya pikir astronot adalah cita-cita yang tertinggi karena tidak mungkin ada yang melampauinya. Namun, mimpi itu kian pudar dan kabur. Beranjak dewasa, saya mulai menemukan realita yang lebih nyata. Lulus SMA, kuliah, lulus, kemudian bekerja.
Tahun 2009, saya mengikuti ujian nasional dan Ujian Saringan Masuk ITB. Dengan angan-angan menjadi arsitek, saya memilih SAPPK dan FTSL sebagai pilihan kedua padahal katanya memiliki passing grade yang lebih tinggi. Alhamdulillah, saya diterima di SAPPK dan setelah 1 tahun menjadi mahasiswa TPB, akhirnya saya diterima di Jurusan Arsitektur. Setiap semester saya disibukkan oleh Studio Perancangan Arsitektur yang sangat menyita waktu, 8 sks setiap minggunya. Berbagai tugas saya lewati mulai dari menggambar paprika, membuat mock up shelter, merancang rumah tinggal, asrama, hotel, kantor, hingga perancangan tribun sirkuit pada tugas akhir.
Tidak terasa, sekarang saya sudah menjalani tahun ke-4 saya, baru saja dinyatakan lulus dari tugas akhir. Tersisa 2 bulan kerja praktik, lalu saya akan menjadi sarjana teknik, dan menjadi arsitek.
Tetapi saya selalu ingat kata-kata dosen favorit saya, "...setiap orang itu sudah menjadi arsitek, arsitek untuk hidupnya...".
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Final Project
Things have been quite busy lately, and my final project take so much of my time. I've been through two preview and lots of assistance with my supervisor. Things became confused and stressful, but stress is not always a bad thing, it can be a good thing if it can help us get motivated to get things done. So i made some fancy things on my table board : calendar, monthly plan, to do list, words of spirit, also a picture of an idol. The final presentation will be held on May, i hope i got everything right. Keep on wishing, keep on trying, keep on doing! :)
"Everything will be alright in the end. If its not alright, then its not the end..."
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Apa yang kulihat tentu cuma fatamorgana ketika suatu pagi di musim semi, sebuah hutan putih
merembes dari pori-pori aspal yang panas.
Tapi kamu tak pernah berdusta menaburkan suara ribuan burung di udara untuk membuatku percaya
"Apa yang kau dengar adalah apa yang kau lihat."
Tapi aku cuma mendengar 305 hari yang berbeda. Dan jarum jam yang menuju ke segala penjuru.
"Apa kita bicara soal cuaca?"
Kamu mengangguk senang dan mengulurkan tangan melewati dahan-dahan untuk menangkapi ekor
bintang yang melesat lima meter di atas.
“Ini,” katamu, “untuk kau taburkan di sekeliling hutan.”
Maka kita berjalan bersama ke batas di mana semua berakhir. Empat puluh tujuh ke kanan, empat
puluh enam ke depan, dan kembali lagi, sambil menaburkan benih bintang yang segera tumbuh jadi
kursi-kursi, kertas, meja-meja, kembang-kembang dalam pot tanah liat, orang-orang, dan sebilah
sayap pesawat.
“Kita akan merawat semuanya dengan baik.”
Tapi bayangan melenting ke barat, sebelum hujan sempat mendarat.
Dan kamu tak mau percaya bahwa cerita telah lewat.
“Apakah kita bicara soal cuaca?”
Cuaca adalah sesuatu yang pelik.
Apa yang kulihat tentu cuma fatamorgana ketika awan menghapus semua jadi kosong. Tapi kamu
yang tak pernah berdusta menangkap angin dan menjejalkannya di telingaku. Desaunya: “…dulu…
Avianti Armand
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Sunday, March 10, 2013
How Could You?
"for all the things that you said
for all the lies that we pledged
for all the very best days
how could you do this to me?
the things we did to stay sane
the walks we had in the rain
the places we used to hang
how could you do this to me?
for all the love that we shared
for all the times that we bled
for all the path we walk down
how could you do this to me?
your laughter under the stars
the times i slept in your car
the people we made fun of
how could you do this to me?"
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Journey to the East
Last January i travelled to the capital city of East Java, Surabaya. I went there for final project survey that located at Kenjeran Park, Surabaya. That was my first trip alone and i got worried yet excited, but there are some family there so i've got place to stay and less worried.
Surabaya was a big city with some beautiful and clean park. The sidewalk was good and filled with trees so pedestrian got comfort to walk even in a sunny day. My survey placed on East Surabaya and close to the beach. Kenjeran Park was a recreational complex with a beach park, motorcycle circuit, horserace, water park, temple and convention centre. That place was interesting because the unique ambiance. After finished my survey, i went to Suramadu bridge that close to Kenjeran Park. Suramadu bridge connect Java Island with Madura Island and become an icon for Surabaya because Suramadu was the longest bridge in Indonesia. I was so happy visited the icon of Surabaya, and i'm excited to travel and explore another cities in Indonesia.
I hope soon.. :)
1. Sunrise view from my seat
2. Kenjeran Park circuit
3. Horserace
4. Four face Buddha statue
5. Goddess of Mercy statue
6. Fisherman boat
7. Suramadu Bridge
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
What if
"What if i give you my smile?
Are you gonna stay for a while?
What if i put you in my dreams tonight?
Are you gonna stay until its bright?
What if i do ignore you?
Will just walk away and cry?
What if i did disappoint you?
Are you gonna say goodbye?"
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Book Binding for New Semester
Hopefully this semester is the last semester of my study. I made a perfect mood booster for facing my new semester, it was a new notebook for my study. I made it myself. Here is a bit sneak peak, how i made my new notebook.
At first, i bought some double side pattern paper and laminate them so that the cover get rigid. I use a coptic stitch book binding for my new notebook, and here is the list of my preparation :
front and back cover
pages (at least 3-5 signature)
The good thing of using coptic stitch binding is it requires no glue and perfect for making a sketchbook, because the book will completely flat. You could see the coptic stitch book binding instruction from this link :
The instruction very clear and easy to follow.
Now, i'm in love with some cute stamp too.
I bought some pattern, there are a man with a glasses & moustache, two bird in love, two chick with their mom/dad, happy quote, and some pattern. I use the black china ink to give some ornaments in my new notebook. :)
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Organizing Things
I'm in holiday, have nothing to do and start to organize my room :
1. College stuff : architecture books, lectures note, cutting mat
2. Fun stuff : magazine, novels, annual book, agenda
3. Grandpa's book : architecture books, structures books, dictionary books
4. My puppet : bunny, panda, cat, flower, etc
5. Paper rol basket : college things and fun things
6. My working space
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Whatever Will Be, Will Be
When I was just a little girl
I asked my mother, "What will I be?
Will I be pretty, will i be rich?"
Here's what she said to me
"Que Sera, Sera
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours to see
Que Sera, Sera
What will be, will be"
Friday, January 4, 2013
Welcome Home Ton & Tom!
Yesterday, i bought two penser fishes, and gave them name Ton & Tom. Ton has orange fin & tail and Tom has the white one. I also bought a new aquarium for Kimmy & Dolly, they need a bigger one, so that they can swim freely and stay healthy. I put Ton & Tom in my old aquarium instead. I hope all my fishes stay healthy and have a long lifespan.
And don't forget to say hello to Ton & Tom! Welcome home!
Thursday, January 3, 2013
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